A little help from a friend

August 13, 2013 § Leave a comment

I´ve been trying really hard to hold on to my new mantra “change is a good thing” and I still believe in those words. But when I woke up this morning, I looked out the window to discover yet another cloudy and rainy day. And for some reason I couldn´t help feeling sad and for a while I totally forgot my mantra.

But somehow I ended up making banana pancakes for breakfast with a friend. And with some wise words and moral support from her I found my way back from tears to smiles.

I spent the day in Elsinore, visiting Kronborg Castle and I have to say … I had a wonderful day and I have a good feeling about my next step:-)

Mantras can be very helpful but sometimes all you need is a little help from a friend. Thank you!

Oh … and by the way, it stopped raining;-)

Kronborg, Elsinore


Kronborg Castle






The ferry for Helsingborg


Kulturværftet, the culture yard





Kronborg Castle

The Culture Yard

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